Release Notes Clarity LIMS v6.2.1

Last Updated: Oct 13, 2023

Latest Patch: 6.2.1

These Release Notes describe the key changes made to software components for Clarity LIMS v6.2.1. The Clarity LIMS v6.2.1 patch release supersedes v6.2.0. It is intended for customers on or migrating to Clarity LIMS v6.2.0.

This release resolves customer-reported issues related to the following functions:

  • Search-indexer performance

  • Basic search failure when searching with multiple custom fields in the system

  • Necessary handling of controls for a configured step

New Features

There are no new features added with this release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the search-indexer did not quickly consume messages from the queue. This issue caused data in the system to be non-searchable.

  • Fixed a bug where the bulk indexing for a project, container, step, and file failed due to a limitation in memory space for search-indexer. This bug occurred when the indexing batch size was too large. Indexing bulk size can now be modified with an attribute in /opt/gls/clarity/search-indexer/conf/

  • Fixed a bug where the basic search failed when searching with large numbers of custom fields in the system.

  • Fixed a bug where details about the step failed to show when selecting the LIMS ID link for steps in the Advanced Search results.

  • Fixed a bug where controls and samples must be added in a certain order for the configured step. This issue caused an error that prevented the configured protocol step from starting.

  • Fixed a bug where a step cannot be started when controls and samples are in the standard step and the Enable QC flag is set to Yes.

Known Issues

  • There can be additional or missing search results when using Date Received of a sample as one of the search criteria in Advanced Search when the client and server are in different time zones.

  • Multiple accounts that share an email address only receive a reset password email for one of the accounts when a reset password request is made using Email information.

  • Users with the Read-Only permission do not have access to Advanced Search.

Additional Notes

Customers connecting remotely to PostgreSQL database need to make sure that their JDBC driver is compatible with the PostgreSQL version used.

Last updated