iLASS Infinium Batch DNA v1.1

Protocol 1: Batch DNA (ILASS Infinium Batch DNA v1.1)

Protocol Type = Sample Prep

Next Steps Configuration

Step 1: Batch DNA (ILASS Infinium Batch DNA v1.1)

  • Master Step Name = Batch DNA (ILASS Infinium Batch DNA v1.1)

  • Step Type = Standard

  • Derived Sample Generation = Fixed, 1

  • Instrument Types

    • Hamilton Star

      • Vendor = Hamilton

Placement = Enabled

  • Sample Grouping = Group by Containers

  • Well Sort Order = Column

  • Placement Pattern = Same Shape

  • Destination Containers

    • 96 well plate

Record Details

  • Step Data (Master Step Fields)

    Field Name

    Field Type


    Additional Options and Dropdown Items

    Batch ID


    Read Only

  • Step File Placeholders

    • Plate Manifest - Manually uploaded

    • Log - Automatically attached

    • Plate Transfer Plan - Manually uploaded

    • AssayRunLog - Manually uploaded

  • Sample Table (Global Step Fields)

    • Derived Sample

      Field Name

      Field Type


      Additional Options and Dropdown Items

      Plating Source Barcode


      Plating Source Well


Last updated