Release Notes

Last Updated: July 2024

Release Date: July 2024

These release notes describe the key changes to software components for the Clarity LIMS iScan Integration Package version 1.2.0.


  • BaseSpace Clarity LIMS v6.2 or later

  • SIS Core Package v2.6.0

  • Illumina Preset Protocols (IPP) v2.9.0 or later

  • iScan Control Software (iCS) v4.2.1

New Features

  • Updated iScan integration to support 'ILASS Infinium Genotyping Assay v1.1' and 'ILASS Infinium Genotyping Assay with PGx v1.1' workflows

  • Supports the new 'Infinium Methylation Array EX-48' beadchip

  • Removed unused Analysis Result column from Sample Details table in Infinium Analysis step.

  • Integration-related properties can now be accessed and updated via System Setting in Clarity v6.3. Refer to Integration Properties Details for configurable properties.

  • Updated integration properties to be extensible to future array projects

    • Replaced supportedImagingWorkflowStepNames with supportedImagingWorkflowStepNamePattern

    • Replaced supportedAnalysisWorkflowStepNames with supportedAnalysisWorkflowStepNamePattern

  • Added analysis run ID in analysis run logging to improve troubleshooting.

Defects fixed

  • Fixed imaging result not reflecting correctly in the "Infinium Array Imaging on iScan" step upon re-imaging of beadchip.

  • Updated iScan install details to table retrieved by getInstallHistory script.

Known issues

  • Warning log message displays when the ImagingAborted and ImagingFailed events are processed.

Last updated