Release Notes

Last Updated: July 2024

Release Date: July 2024

These release notes describe the key changes to Illumina Preset Protocols (IPP) v2.9.


  • Clarity LIMS v6.2.0 and later

  • NGS Extensions Package v5.25 or later

New Features

  • Removed obsoleted ILASS TruSight Whole Genome Assay protocol.

  • Provided the new ILASS Infinium Batch DNA v1.1 protocol.

  • Provided an updated ILASS Infinium Genotyping Assay protocol v1.1 and ILASS Infinium Genotyping Assay with PGx protocol v1.1 that include:

    • Extracted Batch DNA step as a separate protocol.

    • Removed unused Analysis Result column in sample details table of Infinium Analysis step.

Defects Fixed


Known Issues

Due to a known with the config slicer tool, importing workflows and protocols from IPP on Clarity v6.2 and v6.3 requires longer time (~ 8 times) compared to earlier versions (Clarity v6.1 and below).

Last updated