Release Notes

Last Updated: July 2024

Release Date: June 2024

These release notes describe the key changes to software components for the Clarity LIMS NextSeq 1000/2000 Integration Package v2.5.0.


This version of the integration package is compatible with the following software:

  • Clarity LIMS v6.2 and later

  • NextSeq 1000/2000 Instrument Control Software (NCS) v1.5.0

New Features

  • Updates the Demultiplexing step in NextSeq 1000/2000 Sequencing workflow with the following changes:

    • The Sample Details table displays the index sequence.

    • The Sample Details table only displays the following demultiplexing stats due to changes in Demultiplex_Stats.csv:

      • # Reads

      • # Perfect Index Reads

      • # One Mismatch Index Reads

    • The demultiplexing stats displayed are aggregated for multi-lane flow cells (for example, P3).

    • The following run metrics files are included in and attached to the step:

      • Adapter_Metrics.csv

      • Demultiplex_Stats.csv

      • Index_Hopping_Counts.csv

      • Quality_Metrics.csv

      • Top_Unknown_Barcodes.csv

    • Analysis Status is now visible on the step.

  • The integration service and integration-related properties have been moved from configuration files to database.

  • Supports DRAGEN BCL Convert v4.2.7 analysis, including:

    • Cloud BCL Convert v4.2.7 running under the ICA Workflow Session Tracking application

    • Local BCL Convert v4.2.7

Defect Repairs

  • Demultiplexing stats are now correctly displayed in the Sample Details table in Demultiplexing step when the same samples with different indexes are in the run. For multi-lane flow cells, the demultiplexing stats are aggregated.

  • The Validate Reagent Cartridge Barcode automation in the Load to Reagent Cartridge step now only accepts the [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{7}-[A-Z0-9]{4} barcode format.

Known Issues

  • Sequencing run error triggered by disk space full on instrument causes RunParameters.xml to be empty and the run event cannot be processed on Clarity LIMS. This error is unlikely to occur as pre-run checks on the instrument check for sufficient disk space before run is started.

  • Sample sheet and planned run generation will fail if any of the samples in the pools has been assigned QC flag in prior steps before entering the Load to Reagent Cartridge step.

Last updated