Release Notes

Last Updated: July 2024

Release Date: July 2024

These release notes describe the key changes to software components for the Clarity LIMS MiSeq Integration Package v8.3.0.


This version of the integration package is compatible with the following software:

  • Clarity LIMS v6.2.0 and later

  • Illumina Preset Protocols (IPP) v2.9.0 and later

  • NGS Extensions Package v5.25.0 and later

  • MiSeq Control Software (MCS) and Local Run Manager (LRM)

    • MCS v4.0 and LRM v3.0

    • MCS v4.1 and LRM v4.1

  • Oracle Linux (64-bit) v8.9

New Features

Defects Fixed

  • Fixed the SQL Injection (CVE-2024-1597) vulnerability.

Known Issues


Last updated