REST General Concepts

REST and automation are the key interfaces for scripting. A language-agnostic application programming interface (API) is important to scientists as it allows for broad and diverse integration. Together, REST and automation provide powerful and easy-to-use scripting. However, you first need to understand the conceptual structure and design of these interfaces.

Within the Clarity LIMS Rapid Scripting API, REST technology is used to provide data specifically structured for life science research.

NOTE: If you are new to the REST Web Service, we recommend that you read Development Prerequisites and REST Web Services.

REST: a web service for data access

The REST Web Service is the fundamental data access interface using XML over HTTP. It is agnostic to programming languages as most languages support HTTP and XML with libraries or built-in methods.

In life science research labs, tracking samples and the data associated with biology, research, and lab work is complex. The REST resources return information that is human-readable and interpretable. Use a web browser to explore the XML returned.

REST represents real laboratory items and activities in self-contained groups of data called resources. It provides access to recorded lab steps and to sample test results, and it provides this access using resources. For example:

  • The process and steps resources track the steps in the lab in terms of who did what and when.

  • The sample and artifact resources contain information on the submitted sample and test results on sample derivatives (also referred to as derived samples).

The REST resources and their relationships are explained in Structure of REST Resources.

The full details of each resource are described in the API Portal.

General concepts

Requests are made to the API by sending XML messages:

  • POST is used to create an item.

  • GET is used to read an item.

  • PUT is used to update an item.

  • DELETE is used to delete an item.

Note: HEAD requests are not supported.

The full URL to which requests should be sent will vary depending on the specific installation, but will generally follow this format:


Automation / EPP: GUI trigger for calling scripts

Automation / EPP is used to trigger scripts from within the Clarity LIMS interface.

Script-triggering is often used because the data collected needs to be dispatched for further processing. Automating data processing and returning information, in the appropriate format, to the lab for immediate use increases efficiency and quality.

File handling and file management are fundamental elements in life science scripting. When triggered, scripts can issue a command, transfer files for processing, and collect and transfer files back to the server. To enable triggering of scripts in any programming language, the information and files are provided for batch processing at the operating system command line level.

For Clarity LIMS (v5 and later)

To use automation, administrators complete the following steps:

  1. In Clarity LIMS, create and configure master steps.

  2. Configure automations that trigger scripts. Enable those automations on the master steps.

  3. Use the configured master steps as building blocks to create and configure steps to be run by lab scientists.

Related Resources

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