Convert CSV to Excel

Available from: BaseSpace Clarity LIMS v3.1.0

Included as part of the NGS Extensions package, the convertToExcel script is designed to convert separated-value files (eg CSV) to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets of type XLS and XLSX.

  • The script can be run on comma- and tab-separated files with any file extension. The original file is not edited, unless its name matches the name given for the output file.

  • The script can update an existing Excel spreadsheet or produce an entirely new one.

  • When updating an existing Excel spreadsheet, if this spreadsheet does not have a file extension XLSX will be used by default.

  • A single worksheet is updated with the input file contents. When producing a new Excel spreadsheet, this worksheet name may optionally be specified. Otherwise, The default name will be used.

  • The worksheet name must be provided when updating an existing Excel spreadsheet. If the worksheet exists, its contents will be overwritten with the contents from the input file. Otherwise, a new worksheet will be added.

  • Each line in the input file becomes a row in the output file, and its values are placed into the cells of that row. The first value in the input file becomes the value of cell A:1, and so forth.

  • When updating an existing worksheet, cells that are not overwritten by values from the input file are left untouched. For example, there may be a footer section that is not updated.

  • The Excel file produced may be written to a location accessible from the LIMS server (a location on the server, a mounted drive, or a shared file store for example) and also attached in the LIMS via quick Attach. If both options are specified, the script will warn if the file cannot be written and report an error if the file cannot be uploaded.

  • The cell types currently supported are Numeric, Boolean, Blank, and String.

  • Supported number formats include period (.) as the decimal point and numbers that include an exponential (eg, 1e-8 or 4E2).

  • Boolean values are case-insensitive.

Script Parameters and Usage


  • The convertToExcel script can be run on any step, provided there is a way to supply it with an input file to convert.

  • The recommended configuration is to use a minimum of two shared result files on the step: One result file used to attach the final converted file; the other the log file. The input file placeholder may be the same as the final file destination, if the input file is to be overwritten with the script results, and likewise for an existing Excel file to be updated.

  • Configure an automation trigger, usually on the Record Details view, to use the script. The input file may be attached manually or produced automatically by another script such as the sample sheet generator.

  • To configure the script to both attach its output file to a placeholder in the LIMS and to write it to a location on the server (or in a directory with shared access), provide both outputFileName and destLIMSID with quickAttach. Include the destination path in outputFileName, for example

    -outputFileName '/opt/gls/clarity/customextensions/example/output.xls'.

Example Script Automation Strings

The following examples include various options for file handling. These options exist to reduce the FTP/Automated Informatics (AI) overhead so that the script executes faster.

For example, if quickAttach is set to true, the script will attach the file directly to the LIMS through FTP. It will only write the file locally if upload/attachment via the API fails.

Example 1: Typical Use

bash -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar script:convertToExcel \
-i {stepURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
-srcLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid0} \
-outputFileName {compoundOutputFileLuid0}-converted.xlsx \
-logFileLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid1}"

In this example:

  1. The file currently attached in the LIMS with LIMS ID {compoundOutputFileLuid0} is downloaded.

  2. The file is converted to an XLSX file with the name {compoundOutputFileLuid0}-converted.xlsx.

    • This file is left in the current local directory for AI to attach to the LIMS automatically.

  3. When attached, the file overwrites the file with LIMS ID {compoundOutputFileLuid0} that was originally downloaded.

  4. Finally, the log file is uploaded to the LIMS with the name {compoundOutputFileLuid1}-LogFile.html.

Example 2: Updating an attached Excel file and both writing it to a specific location and uploading the result

bash -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar script:convertToExcel \
-i {stepURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
-logFileLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid2} \
-srcLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid0} \
-outputFileName '/opt/gls/clarity/customextensions/example/{compoundOutputFileLuid1}.xls' \
-destLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid1} \
-worksheet 'Samples' \
-updateFileLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid1} \
-q ‘true’”

In this example:

  1. The input file currently attached in the LIMS with LIMS ID {compoundOutputFileLuid0} is downloaded.

  2. The Excel file to update, currently attached in the LIMS with LIMS ID {compoundOutputFileLuid1}, is downloaded.

  3. The file to update has a worksheet with the name Samples updated (or overwritten, if already present in the file) using the contents of the input file.

  4. The resulting file is written to /opt/gls/clarity/customextensions/example as {compoundOutputFileLuid1}.xls.

  5. Because quickAttach is passed as true:

    • The file is added to the LIMS directly with FTP with the LIMS ID {compoundOutputFileLuid1}.

    • This overwrites the Excel file to update, which was previously attached here.

  6. Finally, the log file is uploaded to the LIMS with the name {compoundOutputFileLuid2}-LogFile.html.

Example 3: Use with sample sheet generator

bash -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -cp /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/DriverFileGenerator.jar driver_file_generator \
-i {processURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
-t /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/conf/readonly/bioA_driver_file_template.csv \
-o {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv \
-l {compoundOutputFileLuid1}-LogFile.html \
&& /opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar script:convertToExcel \
-i {stepURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
-inputFileName {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv \
-destLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid8} \
-quickAttach true \
-logFileLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid1}"

In this example:

  1. A driver file is generated with the name {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv, and the {compoundOutputFileLuid1}-LogFile.html log file is created by the sample sheet generator.

  2. The conversion script is executed on {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv.

  3. Because quickAttach is passed as true and no outputFileName was provided, after the file has been converted:

    • It is added to the LIMS directly with FTP with the LIMS ID {compoundOutputFileLuid8}.

    • No file is created locally.

  4. As the input file is converted, log messages are appended to the {compoundOutputFileLuid1}-LogFile.html file.

Example 4: Use with sample sheet generator and add blank lines

bash -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -cp /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/DriverFileGenerator.jar driver_file_generator \
-i {processURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
-t /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/conf/readonly/bioA_driver_file_template.csv \
-o {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv \
-l {compoundOutputFileLuid1}-LogFile.html \
&& /opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar \
-i {stepURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
script:addBlankLines \
-f {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv \
-l {compoundOutputFileLuid1}-LogFile.html \
-sep COMMA \
-b ', False,' \
-h 1 \
-pre 'Sample ' \
script:convertToExcel \
-inputFileName {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv \
-destLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid0} \
-quickAttach false \
-xls true \
-logFileLIMSID {compoundOutputFileLuid1}"

In this example:

  1. Sample sheet generator creates the base driver file with name {compoundOutputFileLuid0}.csv.

  2. The add blank lines script takes that file and adds extra lines for empty wells in the container, editing the file in place.

  3. Finally, the convertToExcel script is run on that result.

    • In this case, the final output is an XLS file named {compoundOutputFileLuid8}.xls.

    • Because quickAttach is false, this file is written in the current local directory and it is assumed that AI will upload it to the LIMS.

    • The sample log file is appended to by all three programs that are run, and is attached to the LIMS.

Rules and constraints

  • The input file separators supported are comma and tab.

  • Spaces between entries in the input file are not supported (eg "Sample Name, A:1" must instead be "Sample Name,A:1")


  • A short message is logged after each successful action by the script.

  • Any errors that occur will be logged in the log file before the script terminates.

  • Warnings will also be captured in the log file, and if any occur, a notification will be sent on script completion.

  • If a local log file exists that matches the log file name configured for the script, or if a file exists in the LIMS with the associated log file LIMSID, the log messages will be appended to these files. Otherwise, a new file will be created.

Last updated