Working with Lab Logic Toolkit

Script Parameters and Usage

The following table defines the parameters used by the evaluateDynamicExpression script.

Automation Command Line

bash -l -c "/opt/gls/clarity/bin/java -jar /opt/gls/clarity/extensions/ngs-common/v5/EPP/ngs-extensions.jar \
-i {stepURI:v2:http} \
-u {username} \
-p {password} \
script:evaluateDynamicExpression \
-t <false/true> \
-h <false/true> \
-log {logFileLIMSID}"

Using Special Characters—Rules and Constraints

Joining Multiple Evaluations

Use the following special syntax to join multiple evaluations within an expression:

  • AND = &&

  • OR = ||

  • NOT = !

Boolean expressions should evaluate to true or false.


For debugging errors, run through the following steps to determine the cause.

  1. Check custom field format (eg, step.::UDF Name::).

  2. Make sure that the custom fields have been created for the correct entity type.

  3. Check the mapping of the field type (see section) — if doing Math they need to be numeric.

  4. Check that the step has a log file placeholder configured.

    • The 'unexpanded placeholders in string' error often refers to the last -log parameter — where the step has not been configured to produce one.

    • If no log file is created, find additional error logging from the command line of the instance. This often shows the location of a syntax error. Find the log file at /opt/gls/clarity/ai/logs/automatedinformatics.log.

  5. Set -t parameter to false if an automatic trigger is used.

Last updated