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Last Updated: December 2024
Release Date: December 2024
These release notes describe the key changes to software components for the Clarity LIMS NovaSeq X Series Integration Package v1.3.0.
BaseSpace Sequence Hub account that has the Enterprise or Professional subscription
Refer to under Instruments & Integrations.
Updates on automations:
Register NovaSeq X RunCompleted and Register Step Completed
Register Step Started and Register NovaSeq X Run and Register NovaSeq X Run Association and Register NovaSeq X RunStarted
Validate Flowcell Inputs and Validate Analysis Configurations and Register Step Started
Validate Reagent Labels and Apply Selected ACT to Samples and Set Next Step
Validate Run Setup and Create Planned Run
Validate Sample Names and Retrieve Analysis Configuration Template List and Register Step Started
Updates on configuration:
Library 2-tube Strip and Library 8-tube Strip containers
BP Aliquot Volume (ul) derived sample global field
In the Load to Library Tube Strip step,
the master step field Cloud Run ID has been renamed to Planned Run ID.
a new step field Instrument Type is added.
In the AUTOMATED - Sequencing Run step,
the Derived Sample Generation configuration setting has been updated to Fixed with 1 Derived Sample generated.
removed unused RTA Version step field.
under Record Details milestone, the sample table is now expanded by default and run metrics in Sample Details table have been updated.
In the AUTOMATED - Analysis Run step,
the Library Tube Strip Barcode hidden master step field has been replaced with the App Session ID hidden field.
the Naming Convention under Step Type has been updated to {SubmittedSampleName}{AppliedReagentLabels}.
under Record Details milestone, the sample table is now expanded by default.
Tracks only the analysis configured with the planned run. Does not track analysis requeue or analysis triggered externally with the same planned run.
The Assign Analysis Configuration Template step does not support pooled libraries.
The integration does not support --bcl-sampleproject-subdirectories option of BCL Convert.
On the Make Bulk Pool step, the log displays a warning when the Calculate Volume automation is triggered and at least one pool consists of multiple inputs. This issue is caused by the output custom field being reset multiple times at the end of the automation. This issue does not affect the Calculate Volume automation functionality.
For BCL Convert only analysis, the high level analysis summary information is not available. Upon analysis successfully completed, an empty file is being attached at the AUTOMATED - Analysis Run step and the step is automatically completed.
Version updates:
NovaSeq X Series Integration Package version updated to v1.3.0.
NovaSeq X Series Sequencing workflow version updated to v1.2.
Library Prep Validation workflow version updated to v2.3.5.
Automation name update:
Validate Flowcell Inputs and Validate Analysis Configurations and Register Step Started automation updated to Validate Flowcell Inputs, Analysis Configurations and Register Step Started
Refer to for details on changes in automations, configuration and run metrics. Manual upgrade instructions from NovaSeq X Series Sequencing v1.1 workflow to v1.2 workflow are provided in .
The NovaSeq X Series Integration v1.3.0 User Interaction, Validation and Troubleshooting guide follows exactly that of with the following updates:
Updates of run metrics displayed in Sample Details table of AUTOMATED - Sequencing Run step. Refer to for the updated metrics.
Update of analysis configuration supported. Refer to for limits of the number of analysis application and reference genome combinations supported.