NovaSeq X Series On-Prem v1.0.0

The integration includes the following:

  • Preconfigured NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0 workflow that maps to lab protocols and instrument runs.

  • Preconfigured protocols:

    • Assign Analysis Configuration Template (NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0)

    • Make Bulk Pool (NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0)

    • Dilute and Denature (NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0)

    • Load to Library Tube Strip (NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0)

    • AUTOMATED - Sequencing Run (NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0)

    • AUTOMATED - Analysis Run (NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0)

  • Automatic validation of run setup information before sample sheet generation and planned run creation.

  • Automated planned run creation on NovaSeq X Series instrument via Illumina Run Manager. The planned run created will be retrieved by NovaSeq X Series Control Software and used to start a sequencing run.

  • Automated tracking of the NovaSeq X Series sequencing run status and parsing of run metrics.

  • Automated tracking of the NovaSeq X Series analysis run status, result summary and demultiplexing result files.

  • Support for configuration of multiple secondary analyses with multiple library prep kit (LPK) and index adapter kit (IAK) for the planned run. The analysis is performed by DRAGEN onboard.

  • (Optional) Preconfigured Library Prep Validation v2.3.5 workflow used for validation purposes only. The workflow contains a single-step protocol that models the library prep workflow required to produce libraries tagged with index sequences. At the end of the step, these libraries are routed to NovaSeq X Series On-Prem Sequencing v1.0 workflow.

Last updated

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